Tuesday 17 April 2007

Well well well....

Following my last email to Virgin they had gone very quite. Not one person called or emailed so in a fit of anger I emailed Steve Ridgeway (VA CEO) AGAIN and finally got an answer.

A customer liaison manager within the customer care team called me to apologise and offer me our out of pocket expenses and to honor the original offer. To say I am pleased is not the half of it. The whole experience has been incredibly draining and frustrating.

The Customer Liaison Manager also said that the US Vice President of VA is taking a great interest in all the responses and that they are investigating how this could have gone so badly. I hope for other passengers sake that they learn something from all this - being quick, efficient and keeping customers informed is imperative.

Interestingly this all comes after I had an email from Emma Doyle, another passenger, this week - who said WatchDog is thinking of doing a story!!! Interesting. She had an email from the CEO's PA saying that they were going to get back to her asap. Are the two related I wonder?

Anyone else had offers in?


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