Friday 2 March 2007

Hello is anybody out there?

Weirdly, I had a letter this morning ... again nothing about what they'll be doing about it, just a holding message saying they'll be in touch within 21 days. TWENTYONE DAYS! That's completely ridiculous don't you think? Why am I surprised. This is typical of Virgin's lackadaisical approach to customers. In case you're wondering who Steve and Anna are - they're they CEO and Head of Communications for Virgin Atlantic. Let me know if you'd like their details - if you all email them maybe they'll take more notice. Maybe.
Dear Miss Morgan

Thank you for taking the time to write to us with your feedback. Steve Ridgway and Anna Knowles have also taken note of your concerns and have asked us to reply on their behalf.

I have passed your comments over to our team of customer relations executives and they'll get back to you in the next 21 days.

Thank you for your patience while waiting for our reply.

Yours sincerely

Nikko Rocha (Miss)
Customer Relations

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