Friday 23 February 2007

Has anyone heard from Virgin yet?

It is now over a week since the whole fiasco began. I have emailed the Customer Services team, written to them and even (via a contact) had the link to this blog sent to the Virgin Group Communications Team a few days ago... and there seems to be complete silence. Not even a "thanks we got your message and are investigating and will get back to you as soon as we can with the full story"...

Has anyone actually heard from Virgin since getting back??

I was checking my Virgin Frequent Flyer account online to see if by some miracle they had put something in there as a "surprise". The only thing I did note is that they have put the normal miles for the Thursday VS18 flight (about 8000 miles) and also show the VS4 flight I took that got me home on Saturday as if it was a whole new trip and put the 8000 miles for that in. So either this is the exciting compenstation - or their system has not picked up that they were off the same ticket. I think I can safely assume it is the latter...

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