Wednesday 21 February 2007

More seats on flights and a letter

Hi Charlie and all,

Is everyone home now?

I went over to Newark on the Friday morning and found Susan Ratigan in the Upper Class lounge. She had started work at 4:30am and found herself in the middle of the mess. It appears there was no duty manager in US or UK to manage the situation until that time.

Incidentally, I used to be resort rep in Spain for First Choice and if no manager was available, we had a 24/7 hotline in the UK to managers who could handle crisis situations - also available to customers.

She assured me verbally that Virgin would cover the cost of the flight we had booked and I also do have a letter (I think it is at home) signed by Virgin member of staff assuring me that they would refund the extra flight I bought to take home. (I had to be back for my own 40th birthday party Sat night!)

My travel agent who booked me on the BA flight on Friday evening said that there were flights available although some via Europe. He got 4 of us home Friday pm without too much trouble.

I also have the card of a travel agent who I met in the hotel lobby Friday lunchtime as I was leaving, representing virgin and Max Jet who said he had 12 seats on Max Jet at $799 Friday night. I was told that virgin wouldn't refund this cost as it was 'business' even though it was cheaper than the 'economy' fares some of us had just paid.

I took the evening BA flight home from Newark (was first in checkin about 4 hours early! - just in case it was full and they bumped people off). Glad to report that check-in, boarding and flight were perfect (though I was a bit on edge the whole time kind of expecting something to happen :( )

I hate to tell you this, but the BA flight had empty seats - don't know how many exactly but there was one to my left, one to my right and there were two seats behind me that were empty!

Hope this info is useful



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